Creating order out of chaos Open Data Model® data management for the enterprise - total data control at your fingertips

The Open Data Model® in 60 Seconds

How much do you know?

Do you know where your data is? Where it came from or where it’s going?

What you don’t know is costing you.

Top Data Management Problems

The “lights on” maintenance burden

The effort to enable business as usual is a resource sucking black hole.

Poor data quality

Putting your reputation at risk.

Inconsistent data

Different classification systems for the same data resulting in reconciliation nightmares.

Redundant data

With the same data in many places, how do you know which version to trust?

The solution

In principle, data management is simple. For complete control of your data, you need to know just four things about every data item:

  • What it is
  • where it is
  • how it got there
  • how it gets used

and to have all this knowledge at your fingertips.

The Open Data Model®

The Open Data Model® Benefits

The Open Data Model® maps, cross references and indexes all your legacy system data to a “semantic hub” in the form of an authoritative data model — a “canonical data model”, your single source of truth.

Enables remediation of legacy system data problems in a highly cost and time-effective manner.

Enables the systematic recovery of your “institutional memory” - the information you once had about your data that has dissipated over time.

Recovers not just the old record but creates a better record, a permanent, well-organised, greatly enriched and vastly more accessible knowledge base.

Eliminates the expense of “data archaeology” – the high cost of the research that must precede any change to any system.

Lowers the cost and risk of future maintenance by providing immediate access to complete and accurate information about all your data resources.

Identifies inconsistent and redundant data throughout your legacy systems portfolio and provides a roadmap for its total elimination.

Allows objects to be in multiple classes (taxonomy), making it particularly suited to the creation of a semantically rich canonical data model.

“Adapters” enable the regular import of legacy system schemas for mapping to the canonical data model in its role as the semantic hub. The Open Data Model® allows them to then be compared to previous versions to reveal all changes over time.

Includes a highly functional glossary that may itself be mapped to the canonical data model providing an easy path to data resources for non-technical users.

The use of the data governance functions of the Open Data Model® results in the creation of a multi-dimensional metadata matrix – technically a “data metadata repository”- a database in which all the chaos of your legacy systems data is replaced by a rich, meticulously organised knowledge base that may be interrogated on-line to rapidly satisfy any data archaeology need.

The canonical data model represents an achievable future state and provides a roadmap for the transformation of legacy systems to a single logical or physical database for the enterprise.

A permanent solution to your data governance and data management problems. A solution that truly does make them disappear forever.

Want to say goodbye to institutional amnesia?

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